A few schedule changes in place and on the horizon

Hello, Dear Reader or Two,

I have a few seasonal schedule changes to announce, and one long-term one.  Here goes:
1) The Beginners Series is on Holiday Hiatus beginning next week (Dec. 16), for the remainder of December, or three weeks.  The series will start again on the first Tuesday in January, January 6.
2) The Friday Teachers Classes will be on Hiatus as well for two weeks beginning Friday Dec. 20.  The regular schedule resumes in the new year on Fri. January 9.
3) The Friday Morning Meditation  will also be on holiday hiatus beginning this Friday, Dec. 12 and Dec. 26.  Regular sessions will resume in the new year.

Apart from this, there is another long-term change.  I am ending the Tuesday 4:15pm class, and working on the idea of opening up at least one other 10am class, maybe on Monday mornings to go with Anne and Leann's Wednesday and Friday morning sessions.  Feel free to let me know what you think of this plan.  

No matter, mark your calendars if these schedule changes are relevant to your life.  And know there may be other notes like this in the future.  This is the season of lights and of schedule changes...

Stay safe.

Posted on December 10, 2014 .

Thanksgiving Note

This is a rare sort of holiday.  We have named it Thanksgiving, and the name expresses our gratitude, our thanksgiving, to those first people here, who made us feel safe and welcome when we were strangers in this new land.     Gratitude follows upon acts of friendliness, kindness, compassion and generosity. We should spend part of the day remembering the generosity of those first peoples such a long time ago, when we first arrived here.  

At Thanksgiving, it is less important to emphasize your thankfulness, your gratitude.  In other words, don't celebrate yourself, or all that you have.  Instead, admire the goodwill, kindness, compassion and generosity in the world precedes and that inspires your gratitude, and become more like that. 

Yoga also stretches and strengthens your organs of generosity and gratitude, so go to Anne's Thanksgiving morning class and tune up for a lovely day.

There you go.  Happy Holiday


Posted on November 26, 2014 .

About that Lateness Thing

I have heard several folks mention the recent workshop with Joan White as having been wonderful and how they would love to see more processual and Intermediate level workshops like this in the future.  I agree and want to add my opinion that it was a challenging and very helpful and inspiring workshop for many.  I also heard a number of complaints about the matter of Joan's and my lateness to class.  It was noted that often classes will run overtime, and sometimes the teachers have to apologize for that.  It happens.  It is not standard, though, for the teacher to appear fifteen or more (!) minutes late to class, every single class.  Not in regular public classes, and not in special workshops.

Joan and I thought and planned and strove to wake up and be prepared in plenty of time not to be late.  Every time we were foiled.  Every time there was a period of time where it looked like we were on time.  And then, really quickly, we were late. This is emphatically not an excuse. We do recognize that several in our workshop group came from considerably farther away than we did and still got to the studio on time every time, and that there were others who had obligations to other family members and were unable to run their schedule late to accommodate us.  We also recognize that figuring out how to be on time is not a great big mystery.  We should not have missed four out of four classes.  Really.  

On behalf of Joan and myself, we publicly and wholeheartedly apologize to everyone for our lateness. We blew it.  It did not help anything to do it.  We won't do it again.  

Posted on November 23, 2014 .