Hello, Dear Reader or Two,
I have a few seasonal schedule changes to announce, and one long-term one. Here goes:
1) The Beginners Series is on Holiday Hiatus beginning next week (Dec. 16), for the remainder of December, or three weeks. The series will start again on the first Tuesday in January, January 6.
2) The Friday Teachers Classes will be on Hiatus as well for two weeks beginning Friday Dec. 20. The regular schedule resumes in the new year on Fri. January 9.
3) The Friday Morning Meditation will also be on holiday hiatus beginning this Friday, Dec. 12 and Dec. 26. Regular sessions will resume in the new year.
Apart from this, there is another long-term change. I am ending the Tuesday 4:15pm class, and working on the idea of opening up at least one other 10am class, maybe on Monday mornings to go with Anne and Leann's Wednesday and Friday morning sessions. Feel free to let me know what you think of this plan.
No matter, mark your calendars if these schedule changes are relevant to your life. And know there may be other notes like this in the future. This is the season of lights and of schedule changes...
Stay safe.