The End of This Year, the Start of the Next

I'm more than a little sad about the ending of the 4:15pm Tuesday class.  It was a good class for so many years.  I am hoping to make up for it in the new year by starting two new morning classes to make a nice set of options at the other end of the day. The morning Iyengar class lineup will look like this beginning the first Tuesday in January:

This is the usual "early" morning lineup:
Friday, 6:30am-7:15am
Paul leading. 
Wednesday and Friday, 7:30am-9:00am,
Devon teaching both.

And here is where the new classes will show up:
Tuesday,         Wednesday,        Thursday,    and    Friday, 10:00am-11:30am
Devon             LeAnn                 Devon                   Anne     teaching.

Hope this is clear to you, and even better, to your liking.  We will all find out in the new year.



Posted on December 16, 2014 .