BKS Iyengar Birthday Potluck Dinner at Devon's

[I've also posted this in the "Workshops" blog so everyone gets to see it.]

On Saturday, December 14th, BKS Iyengar turns 95 years old, and I think it's an occasion for celebration, and an expression of gratitude for this man's lifetime of learning and teaching that has helped us to improve, and in many cases transform our own lives.

So: a potluck, wherein you are all invited to bring yourselves, your partners your friends, and some kind of vegetarian or vegan food to share with us over a few hours of free-range conversation.  Wine, beer and kombucha are welcome, I'm guessing.  The complete menu will be a mystery to us all until it is assembled at the table. 

Saturday, December 14th, 6:00pm till later in the evening.  I don't have to end this one on time.  

RSVP in person or by email (just click on the 'keep in touch' place at the bottom of this page) and I'll make sure you know the address.


Posted on December 6, 2013 .

Upcoming Workshops at Clear Spring

Here is what I know of Iyengar Yoga events coming up at Clear Spring in the next while. 

Nov. 23, 2013,    Sat. Am only 9:30am - Noon
Devon teaches Slouching Toward Padmasana,

Which only means "slouching" in a certain way.  The rest of the time you are no slouch at all, and you will have to attend to find out which way is which. Note; this is a change of day due to George Purvis's appearance on Oct. 9 at Practice Yoga.  You should go to that.  Anyway, learning how to slouch a bit toward padmasana on Nov. 23, right before Thanksgiving, might help your hip, leg and pelvis flexibility.   It is possible the Thanksgiving Break might go so much better if your hips, legs and pelvis were more flexible. Cost:  $25.00.  For information and enrollment, watch the studio calendar and contact Devon at the 'keep in touch' windows at the bottom of this web page.   

February 21-23, 2014,    Fri. Pm through Sun. Noon 
Laurie Blakeney teaches an Iyengar Yoga Workshop.

 Laurie will return once more to Austin from the Ann Arbor School of Yoga.  More information on scheduling and costs as the event approaches.  For information and enrollment, watch the studio calendar and contact Devon at the 'keep in touch' windows at the bottom of this web page.

April 4-6,   Fri. Pm through Sun. Noon 
Joan White teaches an Iyengar Yoga Workshop. 

Joan has not visited Austin in a few years, and we are happy to invite her back again.   More information on scheduling and cost as the event approaches.  For information and enrollment, watch the studio calendar and contact Devon at the 'keep in touch' windows at the bottom of this web page.

May 24-25,    Sat. and Sun. only
Ramanand Patel leads at Iyengar Yoga Workshop.

More information as the event approaches.  For information and enrollment, watch the studio calendar or contact Peggy Kelley.  email:  yogini102 at gmail dot com.

Sept. 5-7, 2014
IYNAUS Introductory level Assessment.

We are also scheduling a national assessment for Iyengar candidates this coming September and will be asking interested local students to volunteer to attend these short, fascinating assessment classes where candidates reviewed as they teach YOU introductory poses.  Nothing complicated, and often fun.  They are also free to you, plus you get paid in fruit and nuts and juice to show our gratitude for helping us create better yoga teachers.


Posted on November 3, 2013 .

Two New Classes after Labor Day

Begin Again:  An Old/New teacher comes home.

Some of you may remember a teacher and student named Sheryl Abrams, who moved with her family to the Midwest a decade or so ago, and has not only survived, but has become a certified Iyengar teacher and returned to Austin to tell the tale.  Here is a link to the appropriately named new yoga class she will start teaching at Clear Spring after Labor Day.  She has learned from the best, so come learn from Sheryl!

Here is the flyer for Sheryl's new class

It’s suitable as a ‘moving-along” class for those who’ve finished the beginners series a few times,

or who are beginning to practice again after some absence,

or who are regular students who want to start over again and try to hear and experience things differently.

And One More New Development at Clear Spring:

The Monday afternoon class at 4:15, formerly known as Yoga for Happiness will begin a new incarnation in the fall after Labor Day.  I’m renaming the class Gentle Work Yoga.   This class is essentially exactly what it says it is:  It is work, and it is gentle.  It is not the deeply and purely restful sort of class like the Happiness class--which, by the way, still continues on Thursday afternoons at 4:15pm, as always.  In the Gentle Work class, we’ll do a normal range of poses, but using the walls, ropes, belts, chairs and more for steadiness, mobility and strength.  It’s suitable for anyone who wants or needs to work gently but thoroughly in yoga practice, using that inventiveness and intelligence with props that the Iyengar Method is so known for.


Posted on August 28, 2013 .