BKS Iyengar Birthday Potluck Dinner at Devon's

[I've also posted this in the "Workshops" blog so everyone gets to see it.]

On Saturday, December 14th, BKS Iyengar turns 95 years old, and I think it's an occasion for celebration, and an expression of gratitude for this man's lifetime of learning and teaching that has helped us to improve, and in many cases transform our own lives.

So: a potluck, wherein you are all invited to bring yourselves, your partners your friends, and some kind of vegetarian or vegan food to share with us over a few hours of free-range conversation.  Wine, beer and kombucha are welcome, I'm guessing.  The complete menu will be a mystery to us all until it is assembled at the table. 

Saturday, December 14th, 6:00pm till later in the evening.  I don't have to end this one on time.  

RSVP in person or by email (just click on the 'keep in touch' place at the bottom of this page) and I'll make sure you know the address.


Posted on December 6, 2013 .