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Theresa Rowland and Devon Dederich, Iyengar Yoga Workshop
May 16-18
Iyengar Yoga Workshop
Theresa Rowland and Devon Dederich
May 17-19, 2013 at Clear Spring Studio
Chair Bharadvajasana with a little help.
Theresa and Devon rejoin forces for the third time to teach a workshop in Austin. This series of workshops is based on special training with Stephanie Quirk on the therapeutic applications of asana. In the workshop here, we will work in two related ways: we will explore how these concepts are applicable in a home asana practice (that is, for ordinary students who are and wish to stay healthy), and we will also show how the use of props and targeted support can help open more space and vital circulation in and around the organic body, to help those lacking the strength or mobility to approach the full poses. Both parts of this work are of interest to all who practice yoga, for each of us has weak parts and strong parts, and all of us can benefit from a deeper understanding of the subtle aspects --truly, the genius-- of yoga posture.
Friday evening, 5:30-8:00pm
Saturday morning, 9:00-11:30am
Sunday morning, 9:00-11:30am
Entire workshop: $150; each class $50
All classes are held at Clear Spring Studio, 605 A Copeland St., opposite the athletic fields of the TX School for the Deaf. Parking is limited, so please carpool when possible, and when you arrive, park on the interior spaces only, not anywhere on Copeland St. Overflow parking is found on Gibson St and S. 3rd St, south of the studio.
Contact Devon Dederich for information and registration at 512-633-2354, or email Make checks payable to Clear Spring Studio and be sure to tell us which classes you will attend.
Iyengar Yoga Workshop with
Sri Arun from Bangalore
Friday through Sunday, June 14-16, 2013
Austin Yoga Institute
Welcomes Arun this June
to Clear Spring Studio
Evening Class Friday 6-8:00 pm
Morning Classes Saturday and Sunday 9:30am to noon
Afternoon Classes Saturday and Sunday 3:00 to 5:30 pm
Born in Sringeri, South India in 1954, Sri Arun grew up and completed his studies in Bangalore, where he started his career at a Chartered Accountant company. It was around this time that he developed an allergy towards dust and developed asthma, which became quite severe during the rainy season. At a colleague's suggestion he decided to try Yoga as a remedy and got initiated into Yoga in 1974. He started teaching Yoga in 1976 at the Rashtrothana Shareerika Siksha Kendra, where he gave the class in front of his Pujya Guruji Dr B.K.S. Iyengar in the year 1978. Teaching Yoga was a different and a very challenging experience. To quote him in his own words "As I started teaching Yoga, I saw different kinds of human bodies and thousands of complex minds; despite the apparent similarities between people I saw that each individual has very distinct needs. I appreciate the challenge of shaping body and mind of my every student.” The idea of teaching and applying Iyengar Yoga to meet and suit each individual's unique needs appealed to him immensely. He knew then that Yoga had become his true vocation.
To register, fill out the form below and mail with your check to Austin Yoga Institute, 1608 Dexter Street, Austin, Texas 78704.
To attend all five classes, pay by June 1st and receive a discount.
One year’s experience with Iyengar Yoga recommended. If you have questions,
call Peggy Kelley at 512-923-4643 or
email her at
Cost: $240 for the whole workshop, $215 if paid by June 1, 2013.
Two hour class $40
Two and a half hour classes $50
All classes located at:
Clear Spring Studio
605A Copeland
Austin, Texas 78704
Parking on the interior of the block only; access from either South First or Copeland Street. Overflow parking to the south off Gibson St and S. 3rd St. No overflow parking anywhere on Copeland St.
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